serious gap 双语例句
1·This is a serious gap in quality control.
2·For example, there is a serious gap in maternal and child care services.
3·If you are in the domestic life of poor white collar, to the United States you will feel a serious gap.
4·The serious gap in academic skills among many of our young people contributes to the problem discussed in my book, and I am pleased that this problem is now receiving public attention.
5·Then it gives the auditing market's supply and demand situation and points out that there's a serious gap between theory and practice in supply and demand to provide a realistic basis.
6·The gap is so small for many unemployed people that studies show that they do not begin a serious job hunt until their unemployment benefits are about to expire.
7·In another feature article, the humor Gap, Christie Nicholson takes a serious look at what's so funny about humor to men and women.
8·With Ford and GM closing that gap, if Toyota no longer has quality at its core, it could be just as serious a blow as what happened to Audi.
9·If there is a gap in your resume, it may be because you were in the hospital or had a serious illness, and then it's relevant to the job, says Lenkov.
10·Because the waterproof apron will be affected by temperature gap and accelerating aging and cause water table appeared in water and heat bilges cold shrink, serious will make parts damage.