mobile command post 双语例句
1·The vehicle can serve as a stand-along mobile command post, or as a C3I terminal to transmit voice and data to the theatre C3I centre.
车辆能视为一套标准-单独机动指挥站,或当做一套C3I终端去传送声音和数据到战场C3I中心。 它也能够使战场指挥官在不同的位置去交换信息和接收来自战场总部的命令。
2·Currently the PLA ground forces are deploying a mobile SATCOM command post that can feed voice and data transmissions back into the headquarters from anywhere across the country.
3·The mobile SATCOM command post in exercise.
4·He observed a command post exercise and visited the Chinese army's 2nd Artillery Corps headquarters, where he viewed a CSS-7 short-range ballistic missile on a mobile launcher.
他观看了一场指挥演习,参观了中国二炮司令部,在此地他观看了装载在移动发射架上的CSS - 7短程弹道导弹。