associated company 双语例句
1·Smith Ltd. and its associated company Jones Brother.
2·If the franchiser's associated company provides products and services to the franchisee, the associated company's basic information shall be disclosed.
3·Whether the franchisee must purchase products, services or equipment from the franchiser (or its associated company), as well as the prices and conditions.
4·You acknowledge and agree that in doing so we may transfer or disclose such information to any associated company or third party wherever located in the world.
5·If the franchiser requires franchisee to sign with the franchiser (or the associated company) other franchise contracts, this type of sample contract shall be provided at the same time.
6·He associated daily with bad company, and was soon past all sense of shame.
7·It contains a set of credentials that identify the server and the company associated with the server.
8·The beverage packaging for Coca-Cola products does not pose a public health risk — including any alleged risks associated with BPA in can linings, the company says on its website.
9·The merged company will also take over loans associated with the GSL fleet.
10·An Integration Competency center manages SOA in the company and a dedicated budget is associated to it.