Old Irish 双语例句
1·He played an old Irish melody.
2·Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker.
3·May God starve ye yet, yelled an old Irish woman, who now threw open a nearby window and stuck out her head.
4·He is certain too that the cats, of whom there are many in the woods, have a language of their own-some kind of old Irish.
5·The English word brother, for example, translates as bhrater in Sanskrit, brathir in Old Irish, frater in Latin, and phrater in Greek.
6·The 37-year-old Irish actor, whose portrayal of the Consultant Criminal eared him a Bafta last year-he even beat out his costar Martin Freeman aka Dr.
7·When the 40-year-old Mr. Wong played the Late Show With David Letterman last year, people cracked up when he walked out and said, Hi, everybody….So, I'm Irish.
40岁的黄西去年在美国出演了电视剧“大卫莱特曼秀”,出场时一句:“嗨,我是爱尔兰人。” 让所有观众捧腹大笑。
8·And yet, when my four-year-old arrived in Brazil, his first Portuguese phrases were delivered in the most astonishing stage-Irish accent.
9·The estate's famed walled garden is divided into eight themed areas separated by Irish yew hedges, some of which are more than 300 years old.
10·He loved old cars, Irish music, and telling stories to his friends after work at the Omega, a 24-hour diner.