miss a shot 双语例句
1·When he was hired to star in a soft-drink commercial, the script called for him to miss a shot.
2·The way to make an expert golfer miss a shot, Beilock found, was to ask them to explain what they were doing.
3·Flowerdew, fell in love with Miss Sharp, being shot dead by a glance of her eyes.
4·It is riskier to start or join a new company than to work in a company –risk is everywhere, the only shot you have 100% chance to miss is the one you didn’t take.
开办或者加入一家新公司,比在一家公司工作风险小——风险无处不在。 100%规避风险的唯一方式就是啥都不干。
5·He found that a player who drained one shot was more likely than chance would suggest to take the team's next shot - and also more likely than chance would suggest to miss it.
6·Miss Lake, who shot the picture when she was 17 as part of a high school project, said she wanted the piece to stop people jumping to conclusions when it comes to women and the way they dress.
莱克小姐在17岁的时候拍摄了这张照片,这是她在高中的一个课题。 她说她希望人们不要一看到女人裙子的长度就直接对她下定论。
7·The players were more likely to miss after a successful shot.
8·In grade school he was the butt of his classmates 'jokes; for with such a large target, no shot could ever miss the mark.
9·Don't miss a single Shot... or you will end up losing your job!
10·If your hands and arms take over, you will increase your shot time and will lose stability. The longer you stay with the shot the more unstable you will become, almost guaranteeing a miss.