amours 双语例句
1·They might also have a more serious purpose: at a time when people's fortunes rose or fell with the king's whims and his amours, they could act as warnings.
它们的存在也许有一个更为严肃的目的——警示。毕竟在一个这样的年代- - -国王的情仇别恨,国王的一时兴起,都可能让人朝为庭上臣暮为阶下囚。
1·They might also have a more serious purpose: at a time when people's fortunes rose or fell with the king's whims and his amours, they could act as warnings.
它们的存在也许有一个更为严肃的目的——警示。毕竟在一个这样的年代- - -国王的情仇别恨,国王的一时兴起,都可能让人朝为庭上臣暮为阶下囚。