stick up to 双语例句
1·She taught her children to stick up for themselves at school.
2·First he approached it, but didn't touch it, then retreated to pick up a stick.
3·Catching up with Scott or Amundsen was out of the question and he had said he would stick to science this time.
4·I'll follow up on that later in this column, but for right now I'm going to stick to working with the base AspectWerkz framework.
5·To stick with the above example: imagine the spaceship speeds up by firing its thrusters. Those onboard will stick to the ground just as if they were on Earth.
6·Some materials, however, are easier to spin in this way than others, for if the molecules do not stick together, the liquid stream will break up.
7·She said this week that it was up to the French people to decide whether she should stick to the Socialist manifesto, and that all ideas were welcome on her website.
8·If you come up with more than five things, stick to five anyway. It will clarify your priorities and values that much more.
9·Afterwards some of us go canoeing out to the beavers' dam up the creek while the big guys stick around the camp to fish.
10·I hope enough of this will stick, and they will grow up to be prudent managers of their own money.