selective service 双语例句
1·When must all men register for the Selective Service?
2·When must all males register for the Selective Service?
3·Just recently we have collected evidence of falsification by Obama on his Selective Service Application.
4·Sixteen days later he failed a physical and psychological exam and was given a Selective Service Class of 4-F (unfit for military service). [9]
5·Similarly in America, while the draft ended in 1973, laws require men to register with the Selective Service System within 30 days of their 18th birthday.
6·Marion Mitchell Morrison remained his legal name for income tax forms , selective service records , deeds , mortgages , and wills , but the name never suited him .
7·However, the Selective Service System remains in place as a contingency plan; men between the ages of 18 and 25 are required to register so that a draft can be readily resumed if needed.
然而,选征兵役制作为意外事故防范计划还保留着。 法律规定年纪18-25的公民必须进行登记注册,以备紧急需要时能迅速恢复义务兵役。
8·On March 21, 1970, I got a letter from Lee Williams saying that he had talked to Colonel Lefty Hawkins, the head of the Arkansas Selective Service System, who told him we would all be called.
9·The Selective Consumer Router works on inbound endpoints to control which messages that service will process.
选择性消费者路由器(Selective Consumer Router)用于入站端点,它可以控制服务处理哪些消息。
10·It is of practical significance to delve into the selective behavior of individual loan borrowers from the Angle of improving individual loan related service and lowering financial risks.