stem flow 双语例句
1·Europe type cucumber variety has quicker growth rate and more stem flow than Huza No. 6.
2·Stem flow gauge can measure plant flow rate directly. In this paper, we have evaluated the value of the instrument through farmland experiment and theory calculation.
3·Austria has sent three army battalions to its border with Hungary to stem the flow of illegal immigrants.
4·Like a rock that fails to stem the river in its flow, so the death of a loved one should not stop life in its stride.
5·He wants Italy to stop bombing Libya to stem the flow of refugees across the Mediterranean.
6·But police officials in Russia, a major spam exporter, say they are trying to do their part to stem the flow.
7·Mexico has been pleased that the United States is now making at least a modest effort to stem the southward flow of weapons, which is more than it was doing a few years ago.
8·Neither engineers nor mystics can stem the flow.
9·I have never been a fan of intervention, but this move by Brazil seems to be an acceptable way to try and stem the flow of foreign capital into their markets.
10·The Clinton campaign hopes to stem the flow of super delegates to Obama with a strong showing in the Pennsylvania primary on April 22 where recent polls give her a sizeable lead.
希拉里的竞选团队将在4月22日的宾夕法尼亚初选中大力造势,希望能够阻止超级代表投向奥巴马。 最近,在宾州的民调显示她领先较大的优势。