wandering Jew 双语例句
1·James Joyce USES the topos of the wandering Jew in his Ulysses.
2·The Wandering Jew acquires abstract terms with which to describe the various scenes which he visits.
3·Wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina) : Also known as Inch Plant, Wandering Jew has leaves with strong dark green and silvery green contrast.
吊竹梅(Tradescantia zebrina):外国人管这叫“流浪的犹太人”,还有个名字叫“寸长的植物”。它的叶子是深绿色与银绿色相间的。
4·Coleus, bougainvillea, snow-on-the-mountain, wandering Jew, violets, agapanthus, Johnny-jump-ups, poor-man's-orchid, spider. They trade cuttings, smuggling them over state lines, to propagate at home.