Facial Recognition Technology 双语例句
1·I believe that facial recognition technology will be applied to many aspects of our life in the near future.
2·The reconnection of the Fu Gui and his parents marked the first case in China for a missing child and their family to be matched with the help of facial recognition technology.
3·Facial recognition technology is widely used today.
4·In the future, computers may read the emotion of people by using facial recognition technology.
5·Hackers have been able to get facial recognition technology to run on Glass.
6·The facial recognition technology employed by both of these applications is incredibly accurate.
7·The system will later be enhanced, possibly to include iris scans or facial recognition technology.
8·Google is developing a mobile app with facial recognition technology that pulls up the Google Profile contact info for people snapped in photos.
谷歌(Google)正在开发一款具有人脸识别功能的移动应用程序,以帮助用户获得被拍摄者的谷歌个人主页(Google Profile)联系信息。
9·They both use the company's facial recognition technology to match people with their pictures by way of a special algorithm called the hybrid descriptor-based funneled model.
它们使用一个被称作”hybrid descriptor-based funneled“的特殊算法来匹配图片上的人脸的。
10·As an important part of the technology for human-machine interface, facial expression recognition have drawn much attention recently.